Round of Applause
There's something truly satisfying about having your hard work acknowledged by others. That warm feeling of accomplishment when someone metaphorically pats you on the back.
But let's be honest, most people find tooting their own horn to be challenging, and it doesn't always come naturally. It can actually feel a bit awkward at times since most of us grew up waiting for others to sing our praises. After all, humility is often taught to be a virtue. However, I came to realize a while back that in the competitive workplace, being your own cheerleader is not just beneficial, it's a necessity.
Lately, I've been in the business of assisting clients in their efforts to gain recognition in their careers. I've seen firsthand how self-confidence, and some assertive self-advocacy can be transformative. Advocating for yourself can propel you closer to that promotion, earn you the recognition you deserve, and even put you on the fast track to achieving your career goals.
Done properly, self-promotion won't come off as a humble brag. Instead, it will show your dedication and passion about what you do. Besides, sharing your work isn't just about showing off-it's a chance to connect, educate and collaborate with your colleagues.
In today's world, remote work and limited face-to-face interaction have become the norm. It's now more critical than ever to ensure that the right people know about your efforts and achievements.
This article offers guidance on how to make you and your work stand out. Give it a read...and give yourself a round of applause.
Job well done!